
The Galam Group manufactures and markets products for the Israeli and world markets in a variety of basic and mehuderet levels of kashrut. We work in collaboration with a variety of kashrut organizations in Israel and around the world in order to provide the most accurate solution for our customers.

Our accumulated experience with a wide range of raw materials and working in partnership with various suppliers around the world, along with bold relationships with kashrut organizations, gives us the ability to find a quick solution to the changing needs in this industry.

Leading Kashrut Organizations in Israel

  • Badatz Jerusalem: The oldest and most famous organization, considered the most austere; supervises many of Israel’s largest food producers
  • Badatz Mehadrin (Rubin): The second largest organization
  • Badatz Beit Yosef: Active mainly in the field of Kosher for Passover
  • Rabbi Landau
  • Hatam Sofer: Bneh Brak and Petah Tikva

Contact us for more information