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Fructose is used as a sweetener in a wide variety of food products and beverages. The many virtues of fructose include a low glycemic index, a naturally high sweetening ability up to 1.3 times that of sucrose, high solubility and the ability to accent flavors and aromas.

For over three decades, Galam has been a leading and reliable international supplier of Fruitose®, a

genetically engineered crystalline fructose. Thanks to Galam’s unique scientific crystalline fructose production processes, we’ve reached levels of purity of over 99.5%.

Fruitose® is produced from sugar beet or sugar cane and comes in powder, crystalline or liquid form.

Fructose is used in a very large variety of applications in the food industry, including beverages, ice creams, dairy products, baked goods, energy bars and more.

Powdered fructose can be purchased in 25 kilo bags or huge sacks.

Liquid fructose – in bulk or barrels.

Kashrut: Mehuderet yemot Hashanah and Passover.

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