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Glucose Syrup


Glucose syrup is a popular product among food manufacturers. This versatile product, used in a wide variety of foods, is made from the hydrolysis of corn starch and contains varying amounts of glucose, maltose and long-chain glucose oligomers.

Glucose syrup contributes to texture and viscosity, prevents the crystallization of sugar, helps maintain moisture and freshness and enriches flavor.

There are several types of glucose syrup, which differ from each other in their DE values (Dextrose Equivalent – extent of starch breakdown). The DE value determines the levels of viscosity and sweetness, and thus the most suitable application for glucose syrup. Lower DE levels mean lower sweetness and hygroscopic levels and higher viscosity. However, syrups with high DE levels are sweeter and serve as desiccants.

Glucose syrup is also available in dry form.

Galam has decades of experience in producing and tailoring glucose syrup to our customers’ needs.

The main applications in which glucose syrup is used are sweets, ice creams, energy bars, halva, cakes and pastries, syrups, desserts, dairy products and milk substitutes.

* Glucose syrup can be purchased in barrels, buckets and in bulk

Kashrut: Mehuderet yemot hashanah, Rabbinate Kosher for Passover certification for kitniyot eaters

On Passover, glucose is also produced from tapioca or potatoes and is kosher for Passover lelo hashash kitniyot.