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™GOFOS – Dietary Fiber


Enriching foods with dietary fiber enables a reduction in sugar and support in the digestive system, thus providing a solution for developing healthier products.

In 2020, for the first time in Israel, an sc-FOS dietary fiber production plant was established in Gilam under the GOFOS™ brand, and joined the starch, glucose and fructose plants.

GOFOS™, also called short chain fructo-oligosaccarides, belongs to the fructan family and is found in nature in fruits and vegetables.
GOFOS™ is made with non-GMO beet sugar using a unique enzymatic process and consists of 95% soluble prebiotic fibers, made up of short chains of fructose (F) molecules attached to glucose (G) molecules containing 3-5 polymerized units.

GOFOS™ fibers have a sweetening intensity equal to about 30% of sugar and contribute about 2 kcal/gram compared to 4 kcal/gram in the case of sugar.

GOFOS™ combines well with other sweeteners, improves the sweetening profile and disguises the aftertastes of powerful sweeteners.

GOFOS™ can be used in a wide range of applications: dairy products, pastries, sweets, breakfast cereals, desserts, snacks, powdered drinks, culinary, meat products and more.GOFOS™ is produced as a powder, sold in 25 kg. bags, and syrup IBCs – and is highly kosher??