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Native Starches


Starch has many roles in food production: thickening, building texture, improving adhesion, moisture retention and more.

The Galam Group’s native starch products are produced from a variety of sources – corn, potatoes, tapioca, rice and others.

Galam produces corn starch in its Israeli production plant using soaking, separation and grinding methods, while starches from other sources are imported to Israel by the Degel trading company.
The variety of starches include low-level moisture content and non-genetically modified versions.

The range of Galam Group starches serves as flour substitutes and provide an excellent solution for products free of gluten and other allergens.

Native starches are used in a wide range of applications: dairy products, pastries, meat products, desserts, snacks, sweets, culinary and more.

These products are available in 25 kg. packages and huge sacks.

Corn starch: Kosher mehudar, Rabbinate kosher for Passover certification for kitniyot eaters
Potato and tapioca starch: Badatz yemot hashanah and Badatz kosher for Passover