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Many food manufacturers invest in finding preservatives that will help keep food fresh and safe over time, while at the same time will not harm the flavor or natural properties of the food.

Through the Degel trading company, the Galam Group represents Corbion, a global leader in the field of preservatives that offers a wide range of preservatives which prolong shelf life, maintain food safety, contribute to the improvement of flavor and texture, and more. Preservatives can be divided into three main groups:

Lactic acid and its derivatives: preservatives based on lactic acid and sodium lactate which allow control over pH levels and water activity in the product, thereby creating conditions which inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

There are also combinations with potassium lactate which help reduce salt in the product without shortening shelf life.

These preservatives are especially suitable for the meat industry: they improve flavor, preserve the red color and increase water absorption, thereby streamlining the production process.

Natural solutions for extending shelf life – preservatives based on natural fermentation. Inhibit the development of yeast and mold and contribute to the balance of flavors in the product while maintaining a clean label (such as: vinegar, flavorings and more). Corbion has developed dedicated solutions for a wide range of applications such as meat products, sauces, cheeses, jams and fruit fillings, salads and more.

Traditional potassium sorbate solution: a common preservative in the food industry, inhibits the development of yeast and mold and helps maintain the color and flavor of the product over time. Used in a wide range of applications such as dairy products, sauces, salads, cakes and more.

Our experts are able to match the right preservative and amount to the conditions of your specific product.