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Special Starches Without E.Number


In recent years there has been a growing demand for raw materials without E numbers in order to produce products with clean labels and provide transparency to consumers.

Through the Degel trading company, the Galam Group represents companies specializing in the production of unique starches that do not require E number markings.

These starches have functional properties that enable the provision of excellent technological solutions similar to processed starches, while keeping the label clean.

Selected examples:

Starches that enable fat reduction by giving a feeling of fattiness.
Starches that help replace animal proteins – starches combined with plant proteins that enable the creation of an emulsion/foam.
Starches with improved properties over native starches – starches that are able to tolerate the various production processes and give the final product the desired texture.
The main applications in which these starches are used are dairy products, milk substitutes, ice creams, vegan products, allergen-free products and more.